Basic Pasta Dough Recipe #FromScratch

pastadoughMy intention with this new theme is to show you how easy it is to make basic recipes from scratch, and for you to incorporated them in your every day.
We all watch a lot of cooking shows, but do you wonder if that is simple to make or is something the they rehearse previously?
And now you will have the answer, and you will see how easy it is.
Today you will learn an easy and basic pasta dough, that you can make in minutes and use for different shapes and recipes, the best part? Is completely homemade, how satisfying is that.
And here we go.



You need 2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 4 tablespoons water, 2 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil.



In a work area or bowl, mix salt and flour and form a mound, make a well in the center of the mound and add the eggs and oil.



Use a fork or a bench scraper and mix the dry with the liquid ingredients by dragging the flour into de center. Keep doing this until you have form a sticky ball, adding water as needed in the process.



This is how your dough should look like after mixing with all the ingredients, in my case I add 4 1/2 tablespoons of water, it all depends on the weather that day. Knead the dough util is smooth, elastic,. even in color and no longer sticky. About 10 minutes.

Wrap with plastic and let it rest for 30 minutes.

ingredients 5


After 30 minutes your dough is going to be soft and smooth. Now you can star to make the different shapes for delicious recipes.



Cut the dough in half, and if you have a pasta machine star in 7 all the way to 1, just remember in 1 the dough will be super thin, perfect for lasagna sheets and ravioli, after you roll the dough in the thickness the you want, uses the other attachment to cut for spaghetti or fetuccini. If you don’t have this machine, just use a rolling ping to roll out the dough, and cut with a knife to make the different forms, its easy, just a little bit more labor intense.

Remember when working with fresh pasta you must cover with a damp towel to keep it form drying out, if you want you can wait until it dries and wrap in plastic wrap and store in the fridge for up to 2 days.





I start telling that I love cheese in any shape and size, this is one of the main reasons why I made ​​this recipe.
You will notice that this recipe is not ligth, but I firmly believe that there is no reason to refuse to eat something we like.
And that does not mean I’m going to eat 40 cookies at once, not at all, it just means that 2 or 3 is not bad.
Now it is also very important to know that these cookies are great for a snack, party or just to accompany your tea or coffee when you want it.
They are delicious, the cheese aroma will fill your kitchen when baking is amazing and you can not resist eating one freshly cooked, but do not remember they are very hot.
Definitely these will be your favorite cookies from now on and this recipe is so easy that you do not buy packaged cookies anymore.
I encourage you to make these cheese crackers, irresistible not to.
Enjoy it.


  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 sticks of butter
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons of buttermilk
  • 11/2 cup grated Pecorino Romano
  • 1 teaspoon of paprika
  • 1 teaspoon of salt


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

Cream butter, egg,  buttermilk, cheese and pinch of salt for 5 minutes.
Add flour gradually and paprika, stir for 5 minutes more.

Place flour on a work table, roll the dough and use a small cookie cutter to cut.
Place the crackers on a tray and bake for 22 minutes, remove from oven and place on wire rack to cool completely.

This recipe makes 30 crackers.

Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 22 minutes
Level of the recipe: Easy

Versión en español CLICK AQUI

Comienzo contando que me encantan el queso de cualquier forma y tamaño, esta es una de las principales razones por la cual cree esta receta para darme un gustito de vez en cuando.
Ustedes notaran que esta receta no es ligth, pero creo firmemente que no hay porque privarse de comer algo que nos gusta.
Y eso no quiere decir que voy a comer 40 galletas de una sola vez, no para nada eso solo quiere decir que 2 o 3 no esta nada mal.
Ahora también es muy importante que sepan que estas galletas de queso son ideales para una merienda, fiesta o simplemente para acompañar el te o cafe a la hora que ustedes lo deseen.
Deliciosas, el aroma que habrá en su cocina a la hora de hornear es increíble y no podrá resistir probar una apenas estén cocinadas, pero no lo haga recuerde que están muy calientes.
Definitivamente estas serán sus galletas preferidas de ahora en adelante y esta receta es tan fácil que no necesitara comprarlas nunca mas.
Lo invito a que haga estas galletas de queso, irresistible no hacerlo.
Que las disfrute.


  • 2 tazas de harina
  • 2 barras de mantequilla
  • 1 huevo
  • 3 cucharadas de leche agria
  • 11/2 taza de queso Pecorino Romano
  • 1 cucharadita de paprika
  • 1 Pizca de sal


Precaliente el horno a 350 grados F ( 175 grados C ).

Bata la mantequilla, huevo, leche agria, queso y la pizca de sal por 5 minutos.
Agregue la harina con la paprika poco a poco, mezcle por 5 minutos mas.

Coloque harina en una mesa de trabajo, extienda la pasta y utilice un cortador de galletas pequenos para cortar.
Coloque las galletitas en una bandeja y hornee por 22 minutos, saque del horno y coloque en una rejilla a que enfríen completamente.

De esta receta salen 30 galletas.

Tiempo de preparación: 15 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 22 minutos
Nivel de la receta: Facil



This is an excellent choice to share at breakfast or afternoon coffee and needs nothing more. I really hope you enjoy it.
2 cups of corn flour ( search for Maseca in the latin food aisle )
4 cups of buttermilk
2 eggs
11/2 cup sugar
Zest of one lemon
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 sticks of unsalted butter melted
2 cups of shredded Parmesan Cheese
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup raisins
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
In a blender or food processor place the corn flour, buttermilk, eggs and sugar, blend or process everything until well blended, then add the lemon zest, vanilla and butter.
Transfer the mixture to a bowl and add cheese, coconut and raisins mix well.
Place in a greased 9×13 inch baking dish.
Bake at 350 for an hour, then put it , if you want to broil to brown on top, do it for 10 minutes with the oven door almost close.

Versión en español CLICK AQUI