Duradero Aroma En Su Ropa Suavitel® Fragrance Pearls™ #LongLastingScent #CollectiveBias #Ad

Esta campaña ha sido compensada por Collective Bias, Inc. y su anunciante. Todas las opiniones son sólo mías. #LongLastingScent #CollectiveBias

Duradero Aroma En Su Ropa #LongLastingScent #CollectiveBias #Ad

Mi hija de 10 anos ha insistido en involucrarse mas en las labores del hogar, y por supuesto yo trato de incluirla en todo.
Lo primero que aprendi a hacer desde pequeña fue a lavar la ropa, mi mama me enseño la forma correcta en la que debemos de prepararnos antes de iniciar con el lavado.
Estos pasos que yo aprendi, se los enseñe a mi hija el otro día y fue una hermosa experiencia.

#LongLastingScent #CollectiveBias #ad 2

Lo primero que le mostré fueron los productos que utilizo para lavar como el Suavitel® Fragrance Pearls™ y el Suavitel® liquido para la ropa. Estos dos productos han sido esenciales durante muchos anos, es mi marca de confianza y me encanta el aroma que deja en mi ropa por semanas.
Sobretodo las nuevas Suavitel® Fragrance Pearls™ que dejan 5x fragancia más duradera y they are in-wash scent boosters.
Recuerdo que por mucho tiempo mi mama y mi abuelita compraban la fragancia Fresca Primavera, y desde que me mude acá es la única que uso por los hermoso recuerdos que me trae de cuando era pequeña
Bueno siguiendo con los pasos; Le di a mi hija la siguiente lista:

1- Separar la ropa por color.
2- Separar medias y ropa interior.
3- Pantalones se lavan por aparte.
4- Todo tipo de toalla se lava junta.
Por supuesto no me puedo olvidar del paso mas importante, ella debe colorar el Suavitel® Liquido y las Suavitel® Fragrance Pearls™ antes de colocar la ropa dentro de lavadora.

#LongLastingScent #CollectiveBias #ad

No les comente que toda esta nueva aventura comenzó el día que fuimos al Walmart a comprar, que por cierto es ahi donde pueden encontrar estos productos, las Perlas tienen 2 aromas Soothing Lavender y Fabulous Field Flowers, no olviden ir al area de limpieza para buscarlos y echarlos en su carrito, también les cuento que algunos de los Suavitel®  tendrán una pequeña muestra de las Perlas para que las usen y vean lo rica que queda oliendo su ropa por días y días. Ahi les dejo unas fotos para que se quien.

Como les decía, ella estaba muy involucrada en la decisión de comprar un aroma de Suavitel® diferente, como dice ella para cambiar, pero al final compramos el que mas me gusta, por supuesto, y las Suavitel® Fragrance Pearls™ son la nueva adición en la familia del lavado, nosotros tomamos muy seriamente nuestro laundry time.

#LongLastingScent #CollectiveBias #ad 4

Lo que mas me encanta es compartir estos pequeños momentos con mis hijas y crear nuevos recuerdos y experiencias que estoy segura seguirán siendo tradición por mucho tiempo en la familia.

#LongLastingScent #CollectiveBias #ad 3

Y ahora quiero saber tu historia, que tradición o experiencia bonita tienes relacionada con el producto. No olvides dejarme tu comentario.

Hogar Limpio y con Agradable Aroma #MiFabuloso #CollectiveBias #ad

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #MiFabuloso #CollectiveBias

Hogar Limpio y con Agradable Aroma #MiFabuloso #CollectiveBias #ad

No hay nada mejor que empezar el verano con mi hogar bien limpio y aprovecho la entrada de la primavera para empezar con todas la labores de limpieza.
Algo que no puede faltarme nunca es mi limpiador multi-proposito Fabuloso®, este es un producto esencial en mi hogar desde siempre.
Desde que estaba pequena recuerdo que llegaba de la escuela y la casa tenia un aroma delicioso, y eso es algo que siempre me a gustado, sobre todo cuando tenemos invitados, me encanta que la gente entre a la casa y sienta un rico olor y no que huelan lo que hice de cenar la noche anterior.
Es por eso que quiero darles algunas recomendaciones de como mantener su hogar fresco y limpio con la ayuda por supuesto de mi fiel compañero Fabuloso®.

#MiFabuloso #CollectiveBias #ad 1
Bueno, lo primero que quiero mostrarles es la forma en la que yo aprendi a limpiar el piso, mi abuela decía que en los tiempos de antes no había mucha cosa para limpiar así que siempre mantenía un pano húmedo y lo colocaba en la escoba, diluía desinfectante con agua y rociaba el piso, de esta forma se hace y queda bien limpio, y como pueden ver Lavanda es mi aroma favorito pero no se preocupen porque hay muchos aromas mas.

#MiFabuloso #CollectiveBias #ad 2

Coloque fabuloso en un balde, o tazón pequeno y agregue agua, ahi puede mantener los panos o esponjas que utiliza para limpiar, recuerde cambiar y hacer la mezcla de nuevo una vez que esta se vea muy sucia.

Yo recomiendo limpiar toda superficie con Fabuloso® ya sea la mesa, los muebles de la cocina e incluso los muebles del bano, es muy importante que toda area quede completamene desinfectada.

#MiFabuloso #CollectiveBias #ad 3

Yo consigo mi limpiador Fabuloso® en Walmart, y estoy segura que usted también lo va a conseguir, recuerde que este semana puede encontrar Fabuloso® en un estante especial para mejor acceso del producto. Walmart es mi tienda de productos latinos de preferencia y estoy muy contenta que aquí puedo conseguir cualquier cosa que utilizaba cuando estábamos en Costa Rica, y lo mejor es que ya no tengo que pedirle a mi familia que me este enviando mis productos favoritos ya que los puedo conseguir aquí.

#MiFabuloso at Walmart Store

Bueno, ya les he comentado como y de que forma utilizo mi limpiador Fabuloso®, ahora quiero que ustedes me cuenten que otros rincones de la casa podemos limpiar.
No se te olvide dejarme un comentario con tus ideas.

Not feeling like yourself? SNICKERS® is here to help! #WhenImHungry #CollectiveBias #ad

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WhenImHungry #CollectiveBias

#WhenImHungry #CollectiveBias #ad

Yes this is me, completely impatient and desperate, when I’m hungry it is very difficult for me to be patient.

The worst part?
My family gets very scared, which is funny, don’t you think?
Ok, now let me tell you my story.
I’m a happy and busy mom, it is always errands, school, house work and more, and some times lunch is not an option for me.
Those are the moments when I’m another person, completely different, grumpy, with a long face, and cranky.

#WhenImHungry 3

One day a girlfriend saw me like that and she told me; You are not you, when you are hungry! and I was shocked, that was a crazy thing, and I needded a solution fast, not only was I making my family afraid of me, :), but I was feelling weak and desperate.

SNICKERS at the Dollar Tree

Luckily, I live close to a Dollar Tree Store and I found delicious SNICKERS® Almond and Peanut Butter Squares, Oh my! that was the answer to my desperately fainting moment.

As you can see now, I fell more relax, happy and completely in a glorious moment, I carry my SNICKERS® everywhere, always in my purse, I don’t want to feel lost, angry and desperate again.
Definitely you have to try it, it really works, being hungry is not funny, and when you are running all day, you need a good delicious bar like SNICKERS® to keep you moving.
Lots of energy from a great bar like that.

#WhenImHungry 2

Now my family is happy with me all the time, and we enjoy together only happy moments, no more grumpy mummy, it is all fun and laughs, but when I feel my tummy grumble, I grab my purse and find my SNICKERS® and eat it, like I said before I don’t want my hubby to call me Grumpy again.

And know I want to heard your story, I want to know Who Are You When You Are Hungry?
Leave me a comment with your story.

Enter the SNICKERS® “Who are you when you’re hungry?” contest by uploading a personal photo or video from your Computer, Facebook, Instagram or use the SNICKERS® Meme Generator to create something new! Voting begins at Noon on 5/11/15 and ends at 11:59:59AM ET on 7/15/15.

See more great SNICKERS® recipes and fun stories on the SNICKERS® social hub.

Tres Leches Cake with Cheese Cake Filling #PinThatTwist #CollectiveBias #Ad

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PinThatTwist #CollectiveBias

Tres Leches Cake With Cheese Cake Filling #PinThatTwist #Cbias #ad

I’m so honored to be partnered with Albertsons Store and be part of the #PintThatTwist campaign, and share with you some great products and recipes.
This are products that I personally use every day for different activities, lunch for the kids to take to school, an easy dinner with the Kraft Mac n Cheese and Caparison juice for them to enjoy with friends at the playground.

They make my life so easy, affordable and delicious; so versatile the I can created any recipe, like my delicious and different Tres leches.
This is a dessert the my father and I used to make, a delicious cake with lots of different milks and my own twist a Cream Cheese filling.

A tradicional dessert in the latino culture the everybody can enjoy and you can definitely put a twist on it.
Add some rum, coffee or chocolate and you will have a completely different kind of tres leches, you can even add Jell-o to the filling just like me any flavors and it is even better.

Find all this products in your local Albertsons store.

Products 1

This is a very delicious dessert the my family love; I’d love to hear about yours! Leave a comment sharing your family traditions favorite twist to this traditional dessert.

products 2

Fell free to visit the Pin That Twist Hub



  • 6 eggs (separated the yolk from the white)
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 3/4 cup salt
  • 1 teaspoon lime zest


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
In the bowl of an electric mixer with a whisk attachment, add whites and salt, beat until soft picks are form, then add the sugar by spoonfuls, then add the egg yolks one by one and lime zest, beat for 3 minutes. By hand and using a sifter add flour and by using a sifter incorporate the flour with the baking powder folding gently with a spoon.
Place in a 9×13 baking pan and bake for 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Tres leches cake 1


  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1 can evaporated milk
  • 1 can condensed milk


In a bowl mix all the ingredients until well incorporated.



1 8 oz package of PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese
3 tablespoons strawberry Jell-O
1/4 cup hot water
1 cup heavy whipping cream


In a bowl mix water and Jell-O until dissolve add the cream cheese and mix until incorporated, then add the heavy whipping cream and beat until soft picks are form.

cake assemble


Once the cake is completely cooled pierced the surface with a fork and cut in half, add some of the condense milk mixture to the bottom, about 1/2 cup, place have of the cream cheese filling and place the other half of the cake on top and add another 1/2 cup of the condense milk mixture; then add the rest of the filling on top and refrigerated over night.

Products 3

Crispy Bars #CrispyComeback #CollectiveBias #ad

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CrispyComeback #CollectiveBias

Crispy Bars ##CrispyComeback #ad #cbias

This is the most exciting we ever had in a long time, the M&M’s® Crispy are back to the market due to consumers request, and we are ready to share a lot of delicious ways to enjoy them.
Delicious milk chocolate with a crispy rice center, so good, they’re back and only 180 calories per serving.
Finally, you can taste what you’ve been missing M&M’s® Crispy is back and just as delicious as before bite size crispy delicious chocolate and rice in one.

Crispy Bars 3

You can follow all the adventures that only M&M’s® Crispy can bring to you and also share and tasted the different recipes and ideas we are bringing today.

To make sure the my family and me can enjoy the crispness and flavors of the product, I created this delicious and easy recipe, using the least possible ingredients to make the flavors of M&M’s® Crispy speak for them self; and let me tell you while I was making this bars, we could not resist snacking and some or maybe most of the them.
That is why is very convenient to have both presentations, one for just snacking in a well deserved me time and the other for recipes and sharing.

If you haven’t try them let me tell you that you can find M&M’s® Crispy in your local CVS Pharmacy in both presentations, and of course I invite you to share with your family and friends the recipe and the delicious momentus the only M&M’s® Crispy are bringing back to you.

Click on the link below to get a $1 coupon available for M&M’s® Crispy at CVS http://www.cvssavingscentral.com/Programs/MAF/04_MAF_74025_Mars2015Flt2

Crispy MM Is Back



  • 1 3/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 instant oats
  • 1 stick cold butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 can condensed milk
  • 1 cup mini chocolate chips
  • 1 cup chopped almonds
  • 1 cup M&M’s® Crispy


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
In the bowl of a stand mixer add sugar, oats, flour and mix, add the cold butter (cut the butter in pieces first) and mix until crumbs are form, by hand add the egg and reserve 1 cup of this mixture.

Crispy bars 1
In microwave safe bowl add the condense milk and heat it in the microwave for 1 minute then add the chocolate chips and mix until completely melted.
Know in a 9×13 pan well grease, add the first flour mixture and spread well, then add the condensed milk mixture on top, to the remaining flour mixture mix almonds and M&M’s® Crispy and spread it on the top.

Crispy Bars 2
Bake for 35 minutes, let it cool completely before cutting.

This recipe makes 30 mini bars.

Preparation time: 25 minutes
Cooking time: 35 minutes
Level of the recipe: Easy


Bacon Tortilla #FarmlandGameTimeRecipes #ad #LatinaBloggers

This shop has been compensated by Farmland® bacon. Follow the hashtags #ForTheLoveOfTheGame and #FarmlandRecipes to see other recipes and ideas. All opinions are my own.

Bacon Tortilla

Today, I want to share a delicious recipe inspired by Farmland® Bacon, an easy and delicious “quick bite” to enjoy with your friends, because Farmland® bacon is slow smoked over real hardwoods for maximum flavor.
For me is super important to have a quick recipe in hand to make when we enjoy any kind of game in the morning, you know there a few on the weekends and this delicious Tortilla is the perfect bite for a craving.
The best part the smell of bacon is irresistible, everybody want it to help me make the tortilla, it is so inspiring to see all my family gather in the kitchen laughing and eating almost all my Farmland® bacon.

I only work with quality products and am so proud of this one in particular, they take very serious the business for decades, Farmland® has taken pride in perfecting their curing and smoking technique–a difference you’ll taste in every delicious bite.
And just to give you more ideas you can also make this delicious Tortilla with there famous Farmland® Homestyle Sausage perfect combination of flavors, gluten free with no MSG; full of the delicious all natural flavor you crave to start your day. Discover all their breakfast sausages. Available in links and patties. Try their Maple or Bacon Sausage flavors.

This Tortilla is inspired by a version of my grandmother, she used to make eggs with lots of bacon, onions and tomatoes, but I change it a little bit, by adding red bell pepper and sour cream to the eggs.
It is pretty delicious and its a complete meal, the smoky flavors of the Farmland® bacon are just want you need in the morning or any time of the day.



  • 8 Hold Eggs
  • 1/4 cup sour cream
  • 1 12 oz package Farmland® bacon
  • 1 onion chopped
  • 1/2 cup red bell pepper
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 tablespoon parmesan cheese

bacon and onions


  1. Heat a pan to medium low heat and cook the bacon, I prefer my bacon on the crispy side, and set aside; in the same pan cook onions and red bell pepper for 3 minutes, in a bowl mix eggs, pepper, salt and sour cream, add the egg mixture to the onions, then add the bacon, already mince and cover the pan lower the heat and le it cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Check the tortilla about 5 minutes trough cooking, add the cheese, cover and let it finish cooking.
  3. You can perfectly place this in the oven, but the method of covering the pan with a lid works perfectly.
  4. Once ready place the tortilla on a plate and serve hot or a room temperature.
  5. This recipe makes 1 tortilla, you can always double the recipe and make more.
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Level of the recipe: Easy

Bacon Tortilla 2

This is a compensated collaboration with Farmland® and Latina Bloggers Connect. However, all opinions expressed are my own.